Finding Liminal Spaces

There are many reliable ways to find liminal spaces. Many don't require leaving your home! Please make note; I am not recommending urban exploration. This is the exokiration of abandoned man-made structures by individuals or groups. The reason I can't recommend this is that many abandoned areas are private property and as such tresspassing on them is illegal. However, there are many methods for locating liminality via the internet that are completely safe. Such as browsing material uploaded by others who are willing to perform urban exploration. Creators dedicated to this subject include

  • TheProperPeople
  • AbandonedUrbexCanada
  • RottingMidwest
  • DarkExploration
  • Zillow

    Zillow is an American website dedicated to the listing of homes on the market for purchase. Homes listed on Zillow can be sorted by a variety of conditions including size, price, and other qualities. The vast majority of Zillow listings include multiple photos of the home interior when clicked on. These photos are often devoid of furniture, as the home is being moved out of. Some of these provided photos can fall into the category of being a liminal space.


    Since the popularity boom of the Backrooms and the concept of liminality, years have passed. Luckily for us, this means that a lot of talented artists have began creating works related to the Backrooms and/or liminality. Many who are talented with 3D rendering software have been creating their own videos from the perspective of a main character exploring their creations. Some examples of artists who's work falls under this category include

  • Lost in the Hyperverse
  • LiminalLand
  • In-BetweenSpaces
  • Photography

    Obviously given the visual medium it would be expected that there are photographers dedicated to capturing their own liminal spaces. These can be found on the websites and social media pages of these photographers. Examples include

  • Freaktography
  • ObsidianUrbexPhotography
  • Jason Lanier
  • RiddimRyder